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Delay dinner after 7 pm is a health disaster !!


Recent medical studies have identified the ideal times for eating three meals, especially for those who want to maintain their weight and weight, and those who are trying to adhere to a healthy diet that they can control their external appearance.

The latest study, published in the British daily Daily Mail, found that the quality of food is not the only factor in a person's success in controlling his weight and health status, but also the dates of eating three daily meals are an important factor. The study warned against eating dinner after 7 pm, Where the bedtime is approaching.

According to the ideal dates of the researchers, the breakfast should be after seven in the morning a little, and his ideal time precisely at 7:11 am, and lunch is above the best to be between 12:30 and 01:00, but its ideal time is 12 : 38 pm.

وThe study said that delaying the dinner after 7 pm is considered "fatal to the diet", but that it should be between 6 am and 6:30 pm, and its ideal time is 6:14 pm.

The figures came from a survey of more than 1,000 experienced people who managed to reduce their weight through food regulation, according to the study by Forza Sabliment.

Eighty-four per cent of respondents said they strongly believed that commitment to meal times was essential for those who wanted to reduce their weight.

Seventy-six per cent of those surveyed said breakfast was the most important day of the day, and keeping it on a daily basis helped eliminate calories. While three-quarters of those polled said they "benefited from the light lunch, but did not give up completely"

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