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Gemstones charm and beauty striking enter the heart directly, know the man on the precious stones and extracted since ancient times and has used for decoration and wealth or for treatment and writing Altawiz and Talms The stones were of physical value on the one hand and their medical and psychological value on the other hand, especially among the ancient Arabs. Those who were considered to be treated with precious stones took advantage of the pearls to strengthen the nerves of the eye and the beatings of the heart and rubies to stop the bleeding and calm the fear and fear and gain the luck and pride among the people as they used emeralds to prevent epilepsy and the removal of all insects Sage and turquoise to prevent the evil eye The exhalation with ruby ​​is considered the second hardest natural metal on the face of the earth after the diamond, Exhalation is any non-red color of the corundum family, which also includes the distinctive red shrimp.

The word «Sapphire» in Greek means blue, and the degrees of blue in the exhalation range from very dark blue near black to pale blue, and its best grade is strong blue. Blue is the most popular in exhalation but it can be almost any color such as pink, yellow, violet, brown, green, translucent colorless and variable color (similar to Alexandrite), and there is a type called Padparadscha »Blends orange with pink and is considered the most expensive and rareest exhalation. There is also a type of exhalation called astral exhalation is cut and refined in the form of Cabochon, where the stone appears to form a hexagonal star when exposed to a light source and sometimes a star with 12 ribs (a rare) and is also a precious exhalation.

The colorless or very pale blue exhalation is heated to high temperatures to give it a thick blue color. This treatment can also improve the clarity and purity of the stone by removing small impurities in it. Myth, and therapeutic properties: It was called exhalation «stone of destiny», which is the symbol of heaven. Contributes to clarity of mind and perception, its powers include spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. It is believed to provide therapeutic properties for rheumatism, colic, and mental illness. It is also considered to be antidepressant as a sapphire necklace is said to help treat sore throat.

As mentioned and described some of the precious stones in the Holy Quran Almighty said: (come out of them pearls and coral), Surah Rahman and describes the Almighty poplar eye in Paradise (as if they were sapphires and coral), and said the Almighty: (and the eye of the eye * as examples of pearls Almknon).

Areas of presence:

In fact, this stone is the best in Kashmir and was extracted there from the first time in 1880 from the mountain and there is also a good type of exhalation in Burma but in limited quantities ... The pure exhalation is found in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia and Australia .. There is also in These areas are dark, deep and sometimes slanted to green, but this type is considered the least valuable and more available in the markets ... There are also in America (Montana), Tanzania and Malawi, but in very small quantities.

The sapphire or blue sapphire is precious but less expensive than red sapphires, and star exhalation is considered the finest and most expensive of its kind.     

Exhaled may be treated in different ways to enhance and improve its purity and color and it is common to expose natural exhalation to heat to improve and enhance its color. This is done by exhaling heat in ovens with temperatures ranging from 500 to 1800 ° C for several hours or heating in a low nitrogen oven for seven days or more. When heated, the stones become more bluish but lose some of the rutile contents when heated at high temperatures. The stone loses all its silk content and becomes pure under magnification.

There are signs that exhalation and other precious stones date back to Roman times. At least, non-heat treated gems are very rare and are usually sold with a certificate of guarantee from an independent gemstone laboratory proving that there is no evidence of heat treatment.

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